Email Cash Formula Review
Read My Email Cash Formula review to See How To Finally Make Money Two Different ways With Your email Marketing
Hey guys, I’m Paul Henderson and today I want to show you this amazing new Email Cash Formula from those marketing masters Shelley Penney and Sorin Constantin.
The Money is in the list.
You know what? This is as true today as it was 15 years ago, but EFFECTIVE marketing is more than just building a list. There’s a formula for winning email marketing strategies.
Do you want to know that formula? Actually, here’s an even better question….
Do you think someone else would want to know?
Statistics show that pretty much EVERYONE wants to get better at creating a cash sucking, automated marketing machine! That’s what email marketing does… IF you do it right!
Look, let me get to the point…
As you probably know, both Shelley and Sorin are well known and extremely successful product creators and marketers, and the knowledge they share in Email Cash Formula is the result of years of experience and success doing exactly this.
(PS: – If you know you want into this already, just click the blue button below – otherwise please keep reading…)

Put simply, – if you’re in Internet Marketing, you NEED to be good at Email Marketing.
But so many marketers, especially newbies, have a real problem with their emails.
Their open rates are so low and their click thru rates even lower that it’s no wonder 95% of newbiew give up without ever having made a red cent! True that.

But there’s an answer – learn how to Email Market properly.
EMAIL CASH FORMULA is a proven product from Shelley Penney and Sorin Constantin and it’s already been a best-seller on Udemy – so we know it works.
This course is about learning to write emails that nurture relationships and sell. It’s a skill that has to be learned, but there’s so much conflicting information out there. People just don’t know where to start.
Well now you do know. With Email Cash Formula, you know it works because it’s already helped over 2400 students on Udemy.
It’s suitable for newbies who’ve never made a buck online as well as experienced marketers who want to create another income stream. In Email Cash Formula, you’re guided through everything in minute detail – nothing is left out.
And don’t forget, Email Marketing is an explosive niche that will sell like hot cakes!

But even better than that… when you buy this today, not only are you going to finally figure out how to earn the respect of your customers and make more cash that way, but you also get FULL PLR rights to this course so you can sell it as your OWN!
“Does this system bring in consistent sales, commissions and money?”
Listen, – this works. People who can do this properly make money, right? So now, you have the means to show people how to do it. You have a great freebie and paid product to offer for sale that will make your customers more money, as it did you.
When you can SHOW people how to make money with your product, they will literally BEG you to take their MONEY!

With Email Cash Formula, you literally get a full BUSINESS IN A BOX that you can upload to your site and be making money within a few days. Or rebrand it and make it truly your own for a great long term income producing assett.

What Do You Get?
The main course comprises a series of 20 video lessons, and these lessons are also supplied in both PDF and Audio format to suit all occasions.

You also get Powerpoint slides that you can take apart and totally reconfigure if you wish, to make a completely new product with your branding.
Also provided are professionally designed SALES and DOWNLOAD pages. Just add you paypal button, make a few changes and you’re away!

But wait… there’s more…..
You also get a selection of INFO GRAPHICS and INTERNET MARKETING IMAGES so that you can make a great impression on your BLOG, WEBSITE and SOCIAL MEDIA

But amazingly, there’s still more…
You also qualify for an incredible training webinar with the amazing John Thornhill from the UK, – the marketer that started it all and is a multi-million dollar earner! This could be the most valuable extra of all!

So the Front end course is just $14.95 for the first 6 hours and then it rises to $20 incrementally over a few days.
The OTOs are incredible….
OTO1 – Cost $37
This gives 4 more tools that allow you to make even more money from this method. As well as the extra money making methods, this OTO includes the necessary squeeze pages, download pages and a professionally written auto responder sequence to save you oodles of time and effort.

OTO2 – Cost $37
This upgrade consists of 3 more complete PLR product funnels with all the trimmings just like the front end product.
Get THREE full courses with PLR rights
in this exclusive package

This is the best ever DFY. It will cost either $67 or $97. For $67 they will completely set up and test the FE if that’s all you bought. For $97 they will do the same and more for all 4 products you now own.
OTO3 is a must have since you’re almost guaranteed to make money faster than you ever thought possible. This will save so much time. Grab it and submit your request straight away as a big queue is going to form for this amazing DFY opportunity.

“When You Buy Through My Exclusive Link, I’m Including All The Following Bonuses Too To Make The Training Even More Complete….”
BONUS #1 – Video lesson on how to re-brand PLR PDFs

BONUS #2 – The same information in PDF format

BONUS #3 – My video lesson on “How to Build Your Buyer List With Affiliate Sales”.