List Building Basics Part 3
Hi everyone,
List Building Basics – Part 3 is the final part of this series and thankfully I’m writing it looking out on another glorious day in downtown sunny Perth, Western Australia. I totally love living here and I’m absolutely convinced it’s as close as possible to being in paradise right here on Earth – lol.
So I hope you’re all doing wonderful today as I welcome you to the third and final part of this little three part missive on List Building Basics. If you haven’t yet read the first two parts where I kinda describe some psychological behind the scenes type stuff, you can read them here (Part 1) and here (Part 2).
Otherwise, let’s plod on with Part 3….
So Part 3 is where I get down to the nitty gritty of how to actually do it. These things may be second nature to the more experienced guys and gals around here, but if List Building is new to you, then you are the guys I’m reaching out to here. But the rest of you should read on too, since at the end is where I ask you to share on Facebook and post a comment – lol – so I don’t want to lose you guys before the post has begun. Get it?
The Money is in The List
![list building basics list building basics](
I said this in Part 1 and it is so true. So I’ll start by saying that you should place great importance on starting and continuing to “BUILD YOUR LIST”. I’d go so far as to say it should be right up there at the top of your list of priorities.
If you do this, you’ll quickly come to realize that your List becomes the powerhouse, the hub, the central axis – of your business. Because never forget that’s what this is – a business. And if you don’t treat it like a business, you stand a better than average chance of becoming one of the 95% of people who get started and go nowhere.
Only through doing it, and experiencing it, will you come to realize the power of having an email list.
Understand that these are YOUR customers. And when Google decides to bring out another slap which can take your income to zero overnight, you’ll be able to carry on as if nothing has happened. Your LIST will still be there, and it will still be yours.
I find it a good idea to always have an open mind to ways to build a list and grow it. When you get an idea – jot it down before you forget it.
Build a Squeeze Page
The first thing you need to do is to build a squeeze page.
Personally, I use OPTIMIZE PRESS for that because it works so darned well. It’s such an easy system to get great results with, and it’s versatile and simple to learn too. This blog is built using Optimize Press.
Moving on, – so you build a Squeeze Page. Your headline MUST offer a FREE GIFT of value which you’ll give away in exchange for their email address. If you don’t know how to do this, have a read of my post detailing this – HERE
Once you’re comfortable with what you’re doing, you can start split testing to optimize your results. What this means is that the page may ‘convert’ better with a red background or a blue background, or no background. The conversions may increase with the title in Red, or Black, or with a video message instead of text.
Anyhow, you get the idea.
There are tools available to do split testing and record results, but for now I’m just trying to get the basic idea across.
Split testing is a never ending process. In other words, alter things around until you arrive at the maximum possible conversion rate, or saturation point.
So now you need to start driving traffic to your Squeeze Page.
I should point out that this only delves into the ways to drive traffic. I’m not gonna tackle the various ways to build and manage a relationship with your list here. That’s a whole other topic in itself, which we’ll tackle in a separate post.
The following ideas are simple to do, totally free and will allow you to get started immediately. Using these conscientiously, you should be able to build a list of say 500 to 1000 subscribers reasonably quickly – like in a couple of weeks or so depending on how enthusiastically you take action.
So here is my list of ideas.
Traffic Ideas
Facebook commenting – in niche groups you’re interested in
Blog commenting – with link to squeeze page
Guest blogging – with a link in the bio to your squeeze page (forget about getting a backlink for SEO purposes unless they allow two links)
Forum posting – promoting squeeze page link in your signature.
Video marketing – posting informative videos on YouTube, directing viewers to click the link or visit your domain name to watch part 2 of the video. (Part 1 and Part 2 systems work best for traffic generation from YouTube)
Submit articles – in web 2.0 properties
Convert articles to presentations to post on and
Create a viral PDF report and give it away in exchange for an email address.
Leveraging existing subscribers for more list growth:
Now is the time to create a blog and really start blogging. Write useful and helpful content for your subscribers and then broadcast the link to your latest posts to your List. You will get comments and social activity which will help in SEO.
If you do get some traffic to the blog through search engines, then you can use various WordPress plugins to grow subscribers from your blog. Here’s where the snowball effect comes in!
Additional High End List building methods (These take more time, effort and MONEY)
Once you have a blog and a list of 1000 subscribers, there are other things you can do to take your List to the next level.
- You can SURVEY your List to better understand their needs and wants, and with the information they provide create an information product or maybe even a software tool. Promote this using affiliates at 100% commission. This will be a front end product, with upsells and higher ticket items available once they buy. Your List will grow like crazy.
- Buy Solo Ads to get visitors to your site once you know you have a reasonable Click Through Rate (CTR) to make it viable, – since Solo Ads do cost money.
- You could even write a good book to publish on the Kindle store at Amazon. Provide great value for a very low price. $4.99 is a good price for a Kindle ebook. People will happily buy a book at this price point, whereas if you price it at say 99c, they will tend to shy away from it. Have a QR code and link to your squeeze page in your book. Make a special gift for your Kindle book buyers and let them optin.
- You could do ad swaps say once a week.
- You can give people who visit your blog the opportunity to join your list through Opt-In forms and Exit Splashes.
And that should just about do it folks. If you can’t make a List using these methods then you should check your pulse – lol.
👉 WAIT – There’s More FREE Stuff… 😁
To Build your List Super Fast on a small budget, click the pic below
and earn EASY PASSIVE COMMISSIONS 5 different ways
Thanks for being with me once again, and I look forward to seeing you again real soon.
Have a great day all. In fact be sure to MAKE it a great day !
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